Friday, April 1, 2011


Brian and I took off work for 3 days in mid-March and had a little staycation to spend some quality time with the little man. Here are some pics of that week.

Riley is starting to really excel at getting food everywhere when he eats!

Going for a walk to the park

Taking a nap on the way back from the park

Playing with his chair

He just likes to climb in and out of it over and over!

Playing with blocks

He will take any opportunity to climb through anything!

Just walking along in the living room. He has pretty much mastered walking now and rarely falls anymore.

Helping Mommy blow up the baby pool

He really likes his pool. There is a small area in the front where water comes out that he liked to cover then let the water fly again

Emmitt really likes the pool too!

We took a daytrip to St George Street and found a leprechaun!

Waiting for lunch

The Fort

Waiting for lunch

We also went on a tour of Whetstone Chocolates which was started in Saint Augustine and has been made here since 1967

Everyone had to wear a hairnet!

Riley would like some chocolate please!