Monday, May 30, 2011

Riley likes to eat!

May update

Here is another collection of pictures. Our camera was out of commission for a few weeks so I had to catch up by taking tons of pictures!

Riley is really starting to make big advancements with talking. He has about 6 words that he knows well, says often and definitely knows what they mean. There are lots of other words that he says and he loves to repeat what you say.

We had a return trip to the ENT doctor and he has decided that, at least for now, Riley does NOT need tubes which was great news!! At that visit, Riley weighed 23 pounds (50%) and measured 30.5 inches tall (50%).

Playing with the gyrobowl

Riley made this at school for Mother's Day!

Enjoying the pool

Trying to catch the wind decoration in the back yard. Still not quite tall enough.

Emily is lulling Riley into a false sense of security by not making eye contact...

then she goes in for the kiss...

success!! Silly doggy!

We have had this sandbox for a little while now but we finally got sand for it and Riley loves it! We try to play in it at least a little bit every day.

Emily likes to keep Riley company by the sandbox while Emmitt runs around like a fool

Going for Emmitt's ball. Luckily Emmitt is very good with Riley and lets him do pretty much whatever he wants, even if it means stealing his ball!

This is the waiting room for the ENT doctor. Riley really loves the 3-D wall decorations and kept staring at the lion!