Thursday, April 28, 2011

Here are a few miscellaneous pictures from the last few weeks. Riley continues to change at warp speed. He is no longer drinking any formula and has moved on to whole milk out of sippie cups. He mimics almost everything we do. He likes to eat just about everything we eat. His favorite cartoons are Handy Manny, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Jake and the Neverland Pirates. He has moved up to the toddler room at daycare. He is getting really good at sign language which helps us so much with trying to figure out what he wants. He knows "more" "please" "milk" (AKA any liquid!) "all done" "sit" and "no"...which may not necessarily be good for us!

At Hailee Swesey's First Birthday Party sporting his beach attire

He really liked the lawn mower!

Playing with the other babies

Playing with the hose in the backyard

Emily enjoying the spring weather

Playing at the community playground


Our community had a easter egg hunt at the clubhouse. There was a great turnout and Riley loved looking for eggs!

Here he is waiting with Daddy for everything to start

Clapping with excitement

He can't handle the anticipation!

Woohoo! First egg!

I think this Easter Bunny was about 12 years old...

Wouldn't let go of this easter eggs even to get in his carseat! What a great day!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I get around...

New forms of Riley transportation

Family bike ride

and a wagon! This kid has got it made!

Off roadin

Pointing to the birds