Friday, July 23, 2010

4 months old and beach pics

Riley was 4 months old today!! He weighed exactly 15 pounds (between the 50 and 75th %) and measured 25.5 inches long (in the 75th %).

A photographer who lives in our community offered us a free photo session so we took him up on it last weekend. Here are a few of the pictures. They came out great!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Allison's 3rd birthday party

Recently we went to a birthday party for our friends daughter Allison. Riley had a blast playing in the water!

Roan did a great job of entertaining Riley!

Flirting with Hailee

Few more July 4th pics

Chillin with Uncle Lou and Das Boot

Hangin with Gramps

Getting some love from Aunt Katy

Watching Grandma

Look at that smirk!

That squished nose says that he is disgusted with this...but still cute!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ultrasound picture look-a-likes

Monday, July 5, 2010

July 4th

Here are a few pictures from July 4th weekend. Thanks to everyone for coming-we had so much fun and a great turnout despite the rain!

A big thanks to Stan, Greg and Pete for bringing the firework show and again to Jenny and Katy for being the paparazzi!