Monday, December 28, 2009

Baby showers

Looks like we will be having 2 baby showers. The first will be a co-ed shower in Hollywood, FL on Saturday February 6 and the second will be a girls only shower in Saint Augustine, FL on Sunday February 14. Save the Date! Invites to be sent soon!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Latest Doctors Visit

So at our last ultrasound we were told that pretty much all the baby's measurements put him in the 95th percentile for size for his age. That got us (Shondra mostly) pretty worried. But at our most recent doctor visit he is starting to measure closer to the expected size, so a little bit of relief!

The Nursery is done!

Here are the final pics. Yay! Let us know what you think.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Our room-almost finished. The rest of the furniture should arrive this week.

Stock bedding picture

Ultrasound pics

11/4/09 at 20 weeks, 1 day. Definitely getting bigger and definitely a boy! All of his measurements (head, leg and arm) all measured in the 90th percentile for size. May be a big boy!

I love this footprint picture!

10/9/09 at 16 weeks, 4 days old...IT'S A BOY!

9/15/09 at 13 weeks old - Start of the second trimester. You can see his head and torso in this view. He is now about the size of a peach. What a difference!

8/20/09 at 9 weeks 4 days - starting to look like a little person ... with a BIG head! Now 2.76cm long.

8/7/09 at 7 weeks 4 days - Now 1.26 cm long - he's doubled size in only a week. Heard a strong heartbeat.

7/31/09 at 6 weeks 4 days - Only 6.4mm long! Looks like a little peanut.